Saturday, November 21, 2009

2. Blessing with pretty flowers 以花祝福。。。

E) PS MICHAEL'S RETIREMENT 1. Thankfulness... 荣休感恩

35. Goodbye.... 花儿说再见。。。

34. I know the tricks too.. 你耍我也耍,看我的吧!

33. Hey this is as easy as ABC! 这把戏在於我是家常便饭哩。

32. Let's play a game... 来!耍个把戏。

31. Chat.. .谈谈。。。

30. Relax after food 餐后闲谈

29. Cake after meal... 餐后一块糕

28. The flowers still around, but the food has vanished... 花儿猷在,食物已消失。。

27. Guests 来宾们

26. All in the family 全家福

25. As pretty as the flowers 娇艳如花