Tuesday, June 23, 2009


About 1 1/2 month ago, Sister Cheong Fan was attacked by diseases in various organs like kidney, lungs & liver etc.

She was lying on bed for weeks and spent most of her days in the ICU.
(See picture attached).
Doctors and loved ones almost lost hope.
Prayers for her was asking God to take her according to His will.
However, God sustained her as a living testimony.
Currently, Sister Cheong is discharged from hospital and able to walk!
Patients in the ward were amazed at this miraculous healings..
Nurses spread news of this wonderful testimony.

大慨一个多月前,张姐妹患上多部份的内脏疾病, 为肾,肺与肝等等。
因此在医院卧床好几个星期, 然后进入紧急房。(请参考以上照片)
可是神的旨意非此, 竟想留她来作又真又活的见证。

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

28) 早点休息,明天会更好。Goodnight, rest well.

27) Supper time.. 哗!还有宵夜

26) You know , we came to be nannies... 嘿!我们是来作保姆的。。。

25) That's all for tonight, see you tomorrow.. 晚堂结速, ,明天再见..

24) 太好了, 热烈掌声 It's so wonderful, let's give a clap..

23) " What do you think of this idea? " 你认为如何呢?“

22) 小孩们也热烈参加。。Children too would not miss the camp

21) 全神贯注 Full concentration..

20) Look! Children's item is so amusing...看哪!小孩们的节目多有趣。。

19) I come from afar to join the camp.. 我是从远方来的

18) 齐来歌颂。。 Let's sing praise together...

17) 我们也是参与者。We are campers too...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

16) 好久不见,你好吗?Hi how are you...?

15) Quick, lemme snap some pictures for you... 哗!让我 快拍,不要错过!

14) Night session is gonna start, let's settle down...晚堂就开始,快找个位子吧。。

13) 让我们进去会堂吧。。 Let's go into the auditorium..

12) We are so full, let's take a rest first... 我们实在很饱,停一阵吧..

11) " 吃得是福噢! Blessed are those who can consume much"

10) " Hey! You know this is the grandest hotel in Kampar..?" 嘿, 你可知这是全金宝最棒的酒店呢?"

9) 让我们先吃晚餐再聊吧。。 Let's have the dinner first,...

8) The food was great, I had three helpings! 食物太美好,我吃了三碟喔.

7) 还未开饭,让我们先聊一聊。。 Let's chat while waiting for meal..

6) 我好饿啊,几时开饭呢。Am hungry, is the meal ready...?

5) The Hotel Entrance 酒店大门口